Introducing Cyver Core

Same Platform, Same Service, New Brand

As of 1 September 2020, became Cyver Core. We narrowed our focus from general IT audits to cybersecurity and pentesting, allowing us to offer a stronger solution to our primary audience. 

We launched as We’ve since rebranded to Cyver Core. With that rebrand came a narrower focus, moving our services from any type of IT audits to solely cybersecurity and pentesting. We feel this shift allows us to deliver a stronger solution, better tooling, and a simpler user interface. 

While we no longer offer digital management tools to IT security teams or auditors, we feel that our new direction is beneficial in the long-term. Focusing on a single deliverable means we can ensure the best possible quality, take the exact needs of pentesters into account, and better focus on the specific needs of our new audience.