
Continuous Assessments

Everything for vulnerability scanning and assessments

Automate pentest and scan delivery
Vulnerability management dashboard
Integrated Scanner + Bring Your Own
Streamlined Reporting

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Introducing Cyver

Get started with the next gen of pentest reporting tooling

Automate pentest reporting & project management, improve client retention, and organize your pentest workload.

Integrated Scanner

Leverage integrated scanners to offer PTaaS, DAST, & attack surface management. 

Vulnerability Management

Deliver all your vulnerability findings in one portal for simple management and remediation.

Streamline Reporting

Automatically generate reports from scans and assessments to save time every time. 

Bring Your Tooling

Link your own scanners and tools with manual importer or via one of our integrations.

Integrated Scanner  

Everything to Deliver DAST, Automated Pentests, Web Application Scans, Surface Monitoring, & More

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Run Scans from the Cyver Core Platform

Leverage our integrated scanner to deliver white-label DAST, Surface Management, & Scans, with results imported directly into yoru white-label Cyver Core portal. 

Integrated Scanner

Cyver Core partners with top-rated scanners like reNgine and OpenVAS to deliver port and subdomain scans, OSINT, and full vulnerability scans.

Deeper Reconnaisance

Leverage recurring scans alongside vulnerability management to track findings, recurrence, remediation, and go deeper on every manual pentest.

Continuous Monitoring

Automatically run daily, weekly, or monthly vulnerability scans and deliver findings in real-time, complete with vulnerability management.


Schedule scans and they’ll automatically run and upload findings to the portal, notify pentesters or clients, and auto-generate reports. 

Deliver Automated Pentests & Scans

Sell to customers same-day with an out-of-the-box solution ready for white-label application scanning, DAST, attack surface management, & more. 

Attack Surface Management

Help clients continuously monitor and identify new vulnerabilities and exposures with real-time scanning and real-time vulnerability notifications.

Application Scanning

Run on-demand or scheduled web-application scans on assets in the Cyver portal – so setup and recurring scans are a click of a button.  
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Deliver DAST with the click of a button with tools like reNgine and OpenVAS built in + vulnerability management to help clients remediate. 
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Assessment Reporting

Automatically generate vulnerability reports on every assessment with as much manual control or automation as you prefer.

Sign up now to start using our vulnerability scanner

Bring Your Own Scanner 

Deliver ongoing assessments with your own tooling

Run assessments with findings uploaded in Cyver Core

Keep your toolkit but add on continous assessment project management, report automation, and PTaaS capabilities provided by Cyver Core for the best of both worlds.
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Import from Scanners

Seamlessly import findings files from your existing tooling, with dozens of integrations available for some of the world’s most popular pentest tools.

API Connection

Further streamline your process with an API connection to automatically import findings, schedule scans, or even automatically run scans.

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No Methodology Changes

Keep your favorite tools, all you’re changing is work management and delivery. Just import your work to deliver it in the cloud.

Centralized Vulnerability Management

Deliver all your findings, from all your tools, in one place for centralized vulnerability management and oversight for you and the client.  

Run ongoing assessments

Seamlessly manage, schedule, and automate ongoing assessments to reduce overhead, costs, and time-investment.

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Recurring Assessments

Deliver monthly, quarterly, weekly, scans in your Cyver dashboard, with automation, scheduling, and report generation tools to save you time. 
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Connect API and deliver SOC services to your clients, complete with automated scanning, manual pentesting, and more. 
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Vulnerability Trends

Automatically compare and consolidate findings on the same project, so you see what’s new, what’s resolved, and what hasn’t been fixed.

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Centralized Vulnerability Management

Connect scanners and add results to ongoing manual pentesting to validate, check work, or to go deeper. All your vulns are in one place. 


Sign up now to request Early Access to our Vulnerability Scanner

Sign up now to get early access to Continuous Assessments + Integrated Scanner :

  • Trigger Scans from the platform
  • Deliver White-labeled DAST
  • Automate pentesting, scans, and reporting
  • Integrated Scanner
  • Early access available now

Looking to Bring Your Own Scanner? Contact us for a free trial to immediately start using this feature.

Everything to deliver continuous assessments & scans

“Cyver Core makes it possible to run pentests at this volume, we’d be a lot slower without it. On average, we’d be 3-4 days slower. You should see our reports, they’re beautiful, they’re curated, they have graphics and risk tables – and we spend less than 30 minutes on them.” 

Founder & CEO, Hedgehog Security

Peter Bassill

Any questions?

We're here to help

What is a Pentest Management Platform?

Pentest Management Platforms like Cyver Core digitize pentest workflows, replacing manual communication and reports with digital workflows. It means real-time results, live communication with clients, and findings as tickets. Plus, we offer automated pentest reporting, complete with integrations for tools like Burp Suite, Nessus, NMap, & more. Our goal is to help pentesters save time (70-85% of time spent on every report), reduce overhead hours for pentest management, and deliver pentest-as-a-service to clients.

How is Cyver Core Secured?

Cyver Core is fully secured, regularly pentested, and regularly backed up. We maintain SOC2 compliant infrastructure, as verified by external auditors. All user data is stored redundantly and automatically backed up inside Microsoft Azure architecture, with fully redundant server architecture and network connectivity. We take security seriously, and you can see a full list of our security practices in our security policy.

Will My Clients See I Use Cyver Core?

No! Cyver Core is fully white label. When you onboard your clients to our platform, they see your branding and brand name. You can also fully customize reports, project templates, and other digital assets. Your clients, your brand, your digital privacy, powered by Cyver Core.

How Does Cyver Core Automate Workflows?

Cyver Core utilizes standardized workflows to automatically progress projects based on pre-defined parameters and settings. You set up project templates and Cyver Core automatically performs workflows inside those, to move the project from one stage to the next, to create Findings tickets from imported data, to notify stakeholders, and to schedule the next pentest. In addition, Cyver Core uses automation and Smart features to auto-fill tickets, to create projects, and to generate reports, so you have to do the minimum manual work possible. Visit our features page to learn more.