Feature Highlight: Image Galleries and Captions 

Feature Highlight: Image Galleries and Captions 

Images are an important part of how you report on pentests. That’s true in every aspect of reporting, from uploading findings with screenshots and proofs to building a report complete with all of your evidence. Your pentest report tooling needs simple and effective...
Feature Highlight: Incident and Risk Management 

Feature Highlight: Incident and Risk Management 

Today, cybersecurity is becoming more and more a normal part of development and routine business. Pentesting is one part of that and for many organizations, it means integrating routine pentesting into development and update cycles, planning regular pentests to check...
Feature Highlight: Custom Findings Fields 

Feature Highlight: Custom Findings Fields 

Your vulnerability library and the writeups and descriptions in it are one of the most valuable resources for your pentest firm. That’s true whether you’re doing streamlined web app pentests or more complex red teaming. You need quality write ups for all of your...