How Pentest-as-a-Service Delivers ROI: A Business Case

Are pentesters struggling to keep pace with digitization and agile work methods? Scanners, digital platforms, and other tools all compete in the cybersecurity space. In this whitepaper, we research the current state of the Pentest industry, its future, and the technology driving those changes to answer key questions surrounding costs, market shifts, and changing customer needs.  

What do we get out of this? Hopefully you read our whitepaper and consider using a pentest management platform. Ideally, you’d read the whitepaper, ask us for a free demo, and then eventually become a customer. But, no pressure. It’s completely free, no obligation, guaranteed. 

Can meeting the needs of Agile developers help pentest firms stay relevant?

Can pentesters deliver more with human pentesting to compete with scanners?

How can Pentest-as-a-Service reduce manual workloads in pentests up to 75%?

What does digitization and PTaaS implementation cost and is there a return on investment?