Security is important to Cyver Core, to its customers, and to their clients. From day 1, Cyver has invested in secure-by-design standards and followed industry best practices to ensure we offer every reasonable cybersecurity precaution to our clients. 

Now, we’ve received our first external proof of that security, as Cyver Core is now SOC2 compliant. We finalized both stages of the audit and report in January 2023. 

“SOC2 compliance allows us to prove that we maintain a high level of information security across the organization, tested and verified by third-party auditors. SOC2 compliance is important to our customers and it’s important to us, and we now have external validation that we have our data secured.” – Luis Abreu 

What is SOC2 Compliance

The SOC2 compliance audit includes checks for security, data availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, and privacy. The standard was developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants with the intent to ensure that third-party service providers store and process client data in a secure and verifiable way. This audit aligns with ISO 27001 in that ISO 27001 provides a framework for how organizations should manage data and SOC 2 proves that organizations implement security data controls. 

“It’s important that Cyver Core users and their clients trust that we manage data securely. SOC2 compliance has always been on our radar, this was a team effort from all of us, and we’re proud to show that we’re secure. Thank you to the Cyver Team for helping to make our security goals a reality.” – Luis Abreu