Automated pentest reporting

Streamline reporting & spend more time pentesting 

  • Cut time to report in half
  • Customize report templates 
  • Share findings  in Client Portal

You know how much time you spend compiling reports. On average, that’s likely to be 2 hours of every 8 hours spent pentesting! Automate pentest reports and report processes to cut that time by 65-85%


Less Time Spent Reporting


Better Customer Retention


Higher Customer Satisfaction


Reduction in Repetitive Manual Work

Streamline Reports

Link existing tools, build pentest report templates, and import work data. Cyver Core allows you to generate pentest reports with the click of a button, so you spend time pentesting, not reporting.

Import from Tooling

Import vulnerabilities from tools like Burp Suite, Nessus, Nmap, & OpenVAS, to automatically map findings to CVE, compliance controls, & methodology.

Generate Reports

Set up templates with tokens, import work data, and generate reports with one click. Did you update findings or add more?  Add them to the report with a single click. 

Preview & Edit

Preview your report and keep editing with your team. Cyver Core’s editor makes it easy to add sections, data, methodology, & more right in the cloud portal. 

Review & Publish

Generate and save multiple versions of your report, collaborate, review changes, and make sure everything looks good before you send to the client. 

Your Branding and Layout

Cyver Core makes customizing report templates easy, whether that’s per client, pentest, or compliance control. Plus, it’s fully white-label. You can update the branding, colors, and other details to make it your own. And, we can help! 

Easy Editor

Use simple Markdown language to customize every aspect of report descriptions and text, including links, heading size, & custom elements.

Report Templates

Link pentest report templates to project templates, so you can automatically build and generate pentest reports to meet a client’s specific needs.


Our platform, your brand. You get full control of branding pentest reports with CSS & markdown, so clients see your name, colors, logo, and data. 


Cyver Core automatically populates reports with data from tooling, client profiles, projects, frameworks, compliance data, & vulnerabilities — based on the tokens you use.

Simple to Share with Clients

Share pentest reports securely, in a single cloud platform. Cyver Core delivers notifications, real-time updates, and an encrypted portal with 2FA and access management for pentesters, clients, and their teams. 

Secured Cloud Portal

Onboard stakeholders to a secure cloud portal with your domain name, assign roles, and share findings and data as it becomes available.

For Auditors

Integrate into Agile development workflows with findings delivered as tickets, so clients can immediately roll vulnerabilities into sprints.


Leverage threat dashboards, assignable tasks, vulnerability databases, and notifications for full traceability across projects.

PDF Downloads

Export pentest reports to traditional PDF and share via print or email, to share with external stakeholders, or for audit and compliance purposes.

Automated Pentest Reporting

Streamline your pentest reporting and get back to pentesting

You should see our reports, they’re beautiful, they’re curated, they have graphics and risk tables – and we spend less than thirty minutes on them. We sit down on the end-day of a pentest, justify the findings – then thirty minutes later we publish the report.”

CEO, Founder - Hedgehog Security

Peter Bassill

Any questions?

We're here to help

What is a Pentest Management Platform?

Pentest Management Platforms like Cyver Core digitize pentest workflows, replacing manual communication and reports with digital workflows. It means real-time results, live communication with clients, and findings as tickets. Plus, we offer automated pentest reporting, complete with integrations for tools like Burp Suite, Nessus, NMap, & more. Our goal is to help pentesters save time (70-85% of time spent on every report), reduce overhead hours for pentest management, and deliver pentest-as-a-service to clients.

How is Cyver Core Secured?

Cyver Core is fully secured, regularly pentested, and regularly backed up. We maintain SOC2 compliant infrastructure, as verified by external auditors. All user data is stored redundantly and automatically backed up inside Microsoft Azure architecture, with fully redundant server architecture and network connectivity. We take security seriously, and you can see a full list of our security practices in our security policy.

Will My Clients See I Use Cyver Core?

No! Cyver Core is fully white label. When you onboard your clients to our platform, they see your branding and brand name. You can also fully customize reports, project templates, and other digital assets. Your clients, your brand, your digital privacy, powered by Cyver Core.

How Does Cyver Core Automate Workflows?

Cyver Core utilizes standardized workflows to automatically progress projects based on pre-defined parameters and settings. You set up project templates and Cyver Core automatically performs workflows inside those, to move the project from one stage to the next, to create Findings tickets from imported data, to notify stakeholders, and to schedule the next pentest. In addition, Cyver Core uses automation and Smart features to auto-fill tickets, to create projects, and to generate reports, so you have to do the minimum manual work possible. Visit our features page to learn more.