Audit & Compliance Norms
Simplify compliance pentests with norms and runbooks
Automatically map vulnerability findings to compliance norms, save time with AutoFill, and generate compliance sections for reports. Cyver Core’s Compliance Norms automate and simplify adding compliance data, so you can add value for the client – without investing more time in pentest reporting.
Streamline compliance pentesting and reporting with runbooks, autofill for findings data, and automatic report generation complete with relevant compliance sections and data.
Less Time Spent Reporting
Better Customer Retention
Higher Customer Satisfaction
Reduction in Repetitive Manual Work
Generate Compliance Reports
Generate and share compliance sections in reports, with data mapped to controls used, and framed in the context of the compliance norm.
Cyver Core uses AutoFill to generate CWE based on CVSS, and compliance controls based on CWE. You fill in one data pont, the platform does the rest.
Generate Compliance Sections
Add sections for every compliance norm relevant to your client. Cyver Core automatically frames vulnerabilities in the context of the controls used.
CVSS Calculator
Simplify building reports with our CVSS calculator and integrate that into compliance reports with a CVSS section listing findings by risk rating.
Customize Norms
Use our library of compliance norms like ISO 27001, PCI DSS, OWASP Top 10, the MITRE Attack Framework for red teaming, and many others, or build your own.
Compliance Standards
Use standards for norms like ISO 27001, PCI DSS, Network Security VAPT, OWASP ASVS, OWASP MSTG 11.3, OWASP OTG, & OWASP Top 10.
Compliance Templates
Get runbooks, report templates, control instructions, and more with pentest norms built around compliance standards.
Full Customization
Need a custom workflow? Build your own compliance norm or customize an existing one to exactly meet client and project needs.
White-Label Client Portal
Onboard clients to your whitelabel Cyver Core portal and share metrics, at-a-glance overviews, and compliance data in one, secure place.
Share Auditor Reports
Clients can generate compliance reports for external auditors to download in your secure cloud portal, with technical details removed.
Compliance Metrics
Share visual graphs detailing how time-to-fix impact compliance across relevant standards for the client.
Interactive Charts
Drive engagement and understanding of findings and their impact with interactive graphics. Clients can click to expand, learn more, or see more.
Simplify compliance reporting with smart tooling to auto-fill and generate reports and data
“Compliance still necessitates having a report, so automating it and cutting time down to 2 hours really helps”
Full Features List
Download the Product Tour
Download our Product Tour Brochure to see features, benefits, and Cyver Core’s offerings in a shareable and printable PDF format.
Any questions?
We're here to help
What is a Pentest Management Platform?
Pentest Management Platforms like Cyver Core digitize pentest workflows, replacing manual communication and reports with digital workflows. It means real-time results, live communication with clients, and findings as tickets. Plus, we offer automated pentest reporting, complete with integrations for tools like Burp Suite, Nessus, NMap, & more. Our goal is to help pentesters save time (70-85% of time spent on every report), reduce overhead hours for pentest management, and deliver pentest-as-a-service to clients.
How is Cyver Core Secured?
Cyver Core is fully secured, regularly pentested, and regularly backed up. We maintain SOC2 compliant infrastructure, as verified by external auditors. All user data is stored redundantly and automatically backed up inside Microsoft Azure architecture, with fully redundant server architecture and network connectivity. We take security seriously, and you can see a full list of our security practices in our security policy.
Will My Clients See I Use Cyver Core?
No! Cyver Core is fully white label. When you onboard your clients to our platform, they see your branding and brand name. You can also fully customize reports, project templates, and other digital assets. Your clients, your brand, your digital privacy, powered by Cyver Core.
How Does Cyver Core Automate Workflows?
Cyver Core utilizes standardized workflows to automatically progress projects based on pre-defined parameters and settings. You set up project templates and Cyver Core automatically performs workflows inside those, to move the project from one stage to the next, to create Findings tickets from imported data, to notify stakeholders, and to schedule the next pentest. In addition, Cyver Core uses automation and Smart features to auto-fill tickets, to create projects, and to generate reports, so you have to do the minimum manual work possible. Visit our features page to learn more.