Cyver Core is designed for pentesters and ethical hackers using their skills to help companies improve their cybersecurity profile. So, it makes sense that our users would want to deliver more than just traditional pentesting reports. In fact, vulnerability assessments and red team activities make up a large portion of what our users do with Cyver Core. 

For that reason, we’re introducing new features to make it easier to run and report on vulnerability assessments in Cyver Core. 

This includes: 

  • Vulnerability Assessment Project Template – Quickly set up a project with a Vulnerability Assessment project template designed around the needs of an assessment rather than an in-depth pentest. This includes different scoping details, different team setups, and support for projects with potentially thousands of findings. 
  • Report Settings – Vulnerability assessments often include thousands of low-level findings, some of which are simply picked up by scanners. If you don’t want to send a 500-1000 page report with your vulnerability assessment, you can opt to hide the vulnerability evidence. The client will see a list of vulnerabilities. They can then log into the portal for more details on every vulnerability in the finding ticket. 

These changes make Cyver Core more useful for pentesters delivering multiple types of cybersecurity assessments. We’re also working on a red teaming pentest project template, which you can use to more easily align your red teaming projects with the MITRE framework. 

To learn more, contact us for a demo.