Feature Update: Finding Review

Feature Update: Finding Review

For many organizations, pentesting means relying on either an internal or external team to test assets, look for vulnerabilities, and exploit anything that is found. Working in teams allows ethical hackers to leverage diverse skill sets and insights, with room to...
Feature Highlight: Finding Reoccurrences

Feature Highlight: Finding Reoccurrences

With Pentest-as-a-Service it’s more likely that you perform repeat pentests for the same clients over a longer period of time. As you do, repeat or reoccurring vulnerability findings are almost inevitable. When you do, making those reoccurring vulnerability findings...
Feature Highlight: Client Portal Settings

Feature Highlight: Client Portal Settings

Pentest-as-a-Service is increasingly in demand by both pentesters and the organizations hiring them. At the same time, not all clients want or need a pentest-as-a-service portal. Moving onto a pentest management platform shouldn’t mean you have to onboard all your...
Feature Update: Pentest Insights

Feature Update: Pentest Insights

Pentesting has historically only had one deliverable, a file containing a list of vulnerabilities and how you find them. Traditionally, clients requesting a pentest will take this file, break it down into tasks, and send those to relevant teams. That process, which...
Feature Update: Report Tokens

Feature Update: Report Tokens

Automating pentest reporting saves considerable time on every pentest. In fact, our data suggests automation saves 79-85% of time on reporting. While Cyver Core uses multiple stages of automation, including...
Feature Update: CVSS Calculator

Feature Update: CVSS Calculator

CVSS Scores are an important part of a quality pentest report – that’s why we now offer an integrated calculator in our Findings manager. Simply click the calculator during Findings upload to assess vulnerability score, using CVSS v3.1...