Feature Highlight: Labels 

Feature Highlight: Labels 

Working with a pentest management platform means you use standardization to enable automation. That’s the same with any cloud platform, from simple Kanban boards like Trello to advanced enterprise resource management like SAP S/4HANA. Having uniform titles, data...
Feature Highlight: Qualys Importer

Feature Highlight: Qualys Importer

Qualys is a popular vulnerability assessment tool, used by pentesters to find and quantify devices, systems, and vulnerabilities. It also automatically checks for OWASP Top 10 and other well-defined risks, can track vulnerabilities over time, and integrates into IT...
Feature Highlight: Add Images from Text Editors 

Feature Highlight: Add Images from Text Editors 

For many pentesters, building a good pentest report is a crucial part of delivering work. While most ethical hacking lies in finding vulnerabilities and attempting to exploit them, clients never see that work. Instead, they rely on deliverables detailing the data you...
Feature Highlight: Auto-Merge Findings 

Feature Highlight: Auto-Merge Findings 

Most pentesters use a vulnerability library to save time when building a report. Here, you normally maintain a collection of descriptions for vulnerabilities you’ve written in the past. Then, when you have a similar vulnerability, you copy-paste that description and...
Feature Update: Finding Review

Feature Update: Finding Review

For many organizations, pentesting means relying on either an internal or external team to test assets, look for vulnerabilities, and exploit anything that is found. Working in teams allows ethical hackers to leverage diverse skill sets and insights, with room to...